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Now that Ann has turned 60, and written and published five novels. she's decided it's time to give back to the writing community  by sharing her  love of writing and her skills and experience as a mentor to new and emerging writers. To start, she's offering short-term manuscript consultations. Longer term mentorships and/or group online classes may be available in the future.


Ann is now accepting registrations for manuscript consultations for Fall 2017.  Please note that spaces are limited.


How It Works:

  • Email Ann a request with a 200-300 word summary of your novel (at least 2nd draft) including working title, page count, themes, your goal for your project (publication, to give to your family etc), your writing and publishing experience and anything else you feel is relevant.

  • Ann will reply to discuss time frame,  fee and other details.

  • Once you have agreed to work together, email Ann a Word file of  your novel in 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced.

  • Ann will email you an invoice and once she has received confirmation of payment, she'll begin to work on your novel. 

  • Within six weeks Ann will email you a set of detailed notes of at least 5 pages, designed to help you move your writing project forward.  

  • After you receive the notes, Ann invites you to correspond with her over the course of a day via email or online chat to answer any questions you might have about her suggestions and to help you generate ideas for your next draft.

  • Note: this is a learning process not a copy-editing service, designed to help you hone both fine and structural elements of your novel.



  • My rates are set to be competitive with those of other writers offering manuscript evaluation services. 

  • Flat reading fee of $300 plus $2.00/manuscript page plus GST/HST for your province or territory. (For example, the fee for a 200 page novel would be $300 plus [200 x $2.o0] = $700 plus GST/HST)

  • Payment can be made by sending a cheque to the address on the Contact page or

  • By Paypal using the Pay Now button.













I'm looking forward to reading your novel.





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